FMP Logo Research

When coming up with my Logo I had to research a few things like what makes a logo stand out ?
These things are impotant to consider when coming up with a company logo. 

Here are 70 random logos From first look I can conclude that most have a white background that caught my attention. Also those on a white background with bright colours like orange, Purple, green, red, while once with blue and black didn't,

I find that green and yellow while it does catch your attention can be quite Dominate and in your face if not do correctly and in moderation can put you off looking at.

Also there seems to be a theme with the type of colours used like dark and red for those that help people with problem that invovle suffering and loss while some kids charities help  

According to

"Visual presentation in your marketing materials can turn on, or turn off, your potential customers. It does not matter if it's on paper (flyer or newsletter) or online (website or ebay Store)."

Apparently the colour also attracts the type of customers you bring...

Red, orange, black and royal blue attract impulse buyers 

Pink, teal, light blue and navy attract smart budget Shopper 

And pink, rose and sky blue attract conformists

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