

Things that I will submit

First Term
Sketch book with - Logo design, logo final design, storyboarding,
Blog with - Research

Second term
Final Logo Finished, Animation, Feedback
For this project I will be making a logo and animation that about 20 second to 3 minutes long  for a charity. 

I will also help with the coming up with the logo and the name of the charity the name of the charity The target audience for the charity is to help those that need funding like Small business, families,  Indiviuals

The Charity first has to have a name and a Logo that does 2 things

  • Want people to work with the charity
  • Help the Business remain focus of their goal and business plan
For the Research side I have to look at other charity Logos, Adverts, and Colours and deconstruct logos both what I’ve made and other companies.  

The goal for the charity logo and animation has to stand out, Catch the audience eye, proactive, Encourage people to seek to what to find out and do business with the charity.

While making the logo I will think and research other charity and business logo patterns, colours, high quality techniques that make logo look detailed and the marking side of the charity my intentions are to make a high quality logo and have the animation based around the logo
For example -

If the logo has a character then I will have the character either speaking about the logo or do action that correspond that will end with it end up fused with the logo.
 If the Logo Involves colours and writing then I may go with a more motion graphic or 3D Mo graph approach when coming up with ideas. 

The type of animation I may produce is a 2D computer animation with either motion graphics or standard storyline. Programmes I may use are Motion or Photoshop.  I may have to look at how to making the logo high quality. I believe that computer based animation and design with give a better high quality and sharper feel than 2D hand drawn. 

Due to time I will have to wait until we come up with the logo and have the name finalised in case the name changes but I’ll come up with the logo as I have the name  before making storyboard ideas. The animation itself may be quite short because I more focused on quality. I’m still not sure if I should and sound effects or music but I will make not and ask if the client has and think they would want to add sound of have a piece of music in mind. 

What I hope to gain from this experience is being able to brand a company, business skill that help me to pitch and speak to clients as well experience that help me to relate to my target audience in the future.

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