Tests and tutorials

3D Modelling Test

At first it took me a long time to model a simple stickman which was taking a cube and extruding for the body and the arms which was quite disappointing considering the summer before in the maya introduction class i could model a bear
(The heads weird cause it was supposed to be a lion and I chanced my idea half way through)

 Even though the mesh is a mess and I couldn't do eyes or noes it was better than a stickman so i tried again making a simple character like the stickman i went about it extrudes and changing the size of the mesh while extruding and after.

So having clearly forgotton how to use maya from what we learned over the summer  and being away for the first 2/3 week I decided to go and look at some tutorial

 And practicing I learnt that pulling on egdes and faces can help get the shape you want

It was ok i was going for a looney toon look here is the peacock
(From diffrent angles and without smooth mesh on.)

After I looked at more Videos i realised that pulling on points and faces help aswell with gettihg the shape you want.

By using extrude, Edge loops, and extruding and moving the angle and size of the extruding i made this.
Still using a block for a head i realised that it may be better to try using the cube as the body
I don't think the knight had enough geometry in it either. 

I missed up trying to make the character symmetrical aswell so i had to improvise and give him a drill also the jet packs .... I don't even know how that happened.

Finally i tried making a character that was hopefully Symmetrical, Geometrial acceptable and human like I tried geting in human features like the hands and noes

I only messed up on one or two parts like the top of the helmet i was going for a gundam sort of body look when making this.

This is a rigging tutorial I found useful and easy to understand 

Animation tests

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